2019 NC Region Fall Meet Spencer, NC Pictures

2019 NC Region Fall Meet Spencer, NC

The NC Region Fall Meet was held on September 21, 2019. Here are some great pictures taken by Bill Cox
and Ginger Wright. Have a look.

               The Show Field                                                                      The Cars are Detailed

                    The Cars on the Show Field                                          Friends and Car Families

More Pictures taken by Bill Cox,  Click on 2019 NC Region Fall Meet Bill Cox’s Pictures
Pictured taken by Ginger Wright, Click on 2019 NC Region Fall Meet Ginger Wright’s Pictures

2019 NC Region Fall Meet Spencer, NC Pictures Read More »

2019 NC Region Fall Meet Plans Spencer, NC

2019 NC Region Fall Meet Spencer, NC September 21, 2019
     Hurry! Preregistration Due September 14, 2019

The NC Region Fall Meet is coming up quickly!  The date, September 21, 2019, is earlier this year to accommodate event changes at the Charlotte Motor Speedway.  With this earlier date the preregistration due date, September 14, 2014, must be earlier to prepare the judging materials.   Please make your plans and submit your Registration form in the next week.  For a copy of the form “Click Here”

The NC Region Fall Meet is an opportunity to meet your NC Region friends at a Fall car show.  You can have your vehicle judged using AACA National standards and identify improvements to your vehicle for the 2020 AACA National judging season. Awards are given to all vehicles judged. The NC Region Red Bird Award is presented to all first time first place winners. Additionally, several NC Region Annual Awards are presented at this meet including:
     Les Joyner Memorial Award (1964 1/2 and up) 
     Alvin B. Storey Award (Finest Classic Automobile)
     Fred Ross Award (Best Restoration 1926-1957)
     Lester Brown Award (Trucks 1 Ton or Larger)
     Herb Oakes Award (Outstanding HPOF Vehicle)

The meet is held at the NC Transportation Museum in Spencer, NC.  It is hosted by the Furnitureland Chapter.  It will be fun for the whole family to see the car show and to see car, truck and train exhibits at the NC Transportation Museum. 


See the report and many more pictures from the 2018 Fall meet at:  2018 NC Region Fall Meet, Spencer, NC 

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2018 NC Region Fall Meet, Spencer, NC

2018 NC Region Fall Meet Spencer, NC October 20, 2018

Pictures and Story by Denny Oestreich

In spite of some rain, there were 78 entries on the display field 2018 Fall Meet held at the NC Transportation Museum in Spencer NC.  The Furnitureland Chapter again arranged the use of the Transportation Museum grounds for the show.  The Transportation Museum displays continues to improve every year. This year the back shop was open for viewing more of the transportation Museum’s vehicles, buggies, trucks, tractors, and airplanes. 
To see the final Judging results: Click Here 


See more Pictures at: 2018 NC Region Fall Meet Pictures (2)
ee Annie Goldman’s Pictures: Click Here

2018 NC Region Fall Meet, Spencer, NC Read More »

2018 SENC Chapter Meet

2018 Southeastern NC Chapter Meet September 8, 2018  

By Denny Oestreich

The Southeastern NC annual show in Greensboro, NC was held in Mt. Olive, NC. There were 100 cars on the show field with many we had not seen before. the quality of vehicles on display was excellent.  The SENC Chapter had things well organized with plenty of parking for cars and trailers, great door prizes, awards for the winners, and jars of Mt. Olive Pickles for each participant.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


See many more pictures by Bill Cox at: 2018 SENC Chapter Pictures

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2018 General Greene Chapter Meet

2018 General Greene Chapter Meet August August 11, 2018  

By Denny Oestreich

The General Greene Chapter’s annual show in Greensboro, NC was held at the Farmer’w Market in Greensboro. There were 110 cars on the show field with many we had not seen before. the quality of vehicles on display was excellent.  The General Greene Chapter had things well organized with plenty of parking for cars and trailers. Weather threatened rain in the afternoon noon, so the awards were handed out early and everyone avoided the rain. In addition to the show cars, the farmer’s market was nearby for shopping and there a couple of food trucks for lunch.


See many more pictures by Denny Oestreich and Bill Cox at: 2018 General Green Chapter Pictures

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2018 San-Lee Chapter Meet

2018 San-Lee Chapter Meet June 2, 2018

By Denny Oestreich

 The San-Lee Chapter held their successful car show on June 2, 2018 in downtown Sanford. They had to make some adjustments including moving the venue to accommodate local merchants and moving registration inside the remodeled Buggy factory now serving as the offices for the City of Sanford.  Both changes worked out well. They had 79 vehicles entered in their show with AACA classes and open classes included. Vehicle owners provided many interesting vehicles to look at and lot of spectators enjoyed talking looking at the cars and talking to the owners.  The weather cooperated with warm Lee County weather with no rain until after the show. San-Lee had many door prizes and awards for all participants. Thanks to the San-Lee Chapter, Bennie Pokemire, President and Anthony and Teresa Bright Co-Chairs for a well organized and enjoyable show.   



See many more pictures by Bill Cox and Denny Oestreich at: 2018 San-Lee Chapter Show Pictures

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