2019 NC Region Fall Meet Plans Spencer, NC

2019 NC Region Fall Meet Spencer, NC September 21, 2019
     Hurry! Preregistration Due September 14, 2019

The NC Region Fall Meet is coming up quickly!  The date, September 21, 2019, is earlier this year to accommodate event changes at the Charlotte Motor Speedway.  With this earlier date the preregistration due date, September 14, 2014, must be earlier to prepare the judging materials.   Please make your plans and submit your Registration form in the next week.  For a copy of the form “Click Here”

The NC Region Fall Meet is an opportunity to meet your NC Region friends at a Fall car show.  You can have your vehicle judged using AACA National standards and identify improvements to your vehicle for the 2020 AACA National judging season. Awards are given to all vehicles judged. The NC Region Red Bird Award is presented to all first time first place winners. Additionally, several NC Region Annual Awards are presented at this meet including:
     Les Joyner Memorial Award (1964 1/2 and up) 
     Alvin B. Storey Award (Finest Classic Automobile)
     Fred Ross Award (Best Restoration 1926-1957)
     Lester Brown Award (Trucks 1 Ton or Larger)
     Herb Oakes Award (Outstanding HPOF Vehicle)

The meet is held at the NC Transportation Museum in Spencer, NC.  It is hosted by the Furnitureland Chapter.  It will be fun for the whole family to see the car show and to see car, truck and train exhibits at the NC Transportation Museum. 


See the report and many more pictures from the 2018 Fall meet at:  2018 NC Region Fall Meet, Spencer, NC