2017 Cape Fear Chapter Show

2017 Cape Fear Car Show Wilmington, NC  March 4, 2017

The Cape Fear Chapter held their annual show in March with 201 car registered.  The weather was long coat cool for some, but others only required a short sleeved shirt. The show usually draws at lot of vehicles for the first show of the season.  By all measures the show was a success.  Have a look at the show photos below and on the links.


Photos by  Bill Cox and Jennifer Lancaster
Click on a small icons below to view the picture.


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2016 Annual Meet Report

2016 Annual Membership Meeting

The NC Region Annual Meeting was held on January 15 and 16, 2016 at the Ramada Inn in Burlington, NC.  
There were 120 Region members and Guests attending.  Below are some discussion points and pictures
from the meeting.
1. Bill Cox, VP NC Region, reviewed highlights of the Calendar of NC Region and Chapter Events for 2016. Various Chapter
    representatives invited members to their car shows. Be sure to support these events.
2.Lorrie Oaks,
 Treasurer, reported the NC Region is growing and now has over 611 members. 
3. Chief Judge Randy Stone indicated that over 180 vehicles were judged and were given awards at the two
    NC Region meets in 2015.  The NC Region has seen the success of including HPOF and DPC classes
    and will continue to support these classes with prominent displays.   
4. President, Jack Harris, updated the membership on a number of improvements being made to the Transportation
    Museum facilities and the success the museum is having with their new programs. 
5. NC Region News Editor David Allen and Webmasters Matt Hinson and Denny Oestreich reminded members
    that articles and pictures are needed for the NC Region Newsletter and Websites.

6. Bob McAdam, Chair of the Scholarship Committee, reminded members that scholarship submissions for an
    individual scholarship and and institutional scholarship are due March 31.  If members have children or grandchildren
    who are studying an engineerin
g curriculum you should review the Scholarship guidelines. 
    See: NC Region Scholarship Program

. NC Region 2015 special judging awards were presented at the meeting. Pictures are below and the complete
    list of winners is included here: 2015 NC Region Awards 
8. Congratulations to Ralph N Proscia for receiving the 2015 Dave Hinkle Award. 
9. Congratulations to Harry Oakley and Roger Lyons for being the NC Region Circle of Honor inductees for 2015.   

     Pictured above are the members attending a special presentation of “Early Roads and Paths”.

To See more annual meeting pictures including the award winners click 2016 NC Region Annual Meet Photos

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2016 Southeastern Meet Report – Bill Cox

2016 Souheastern Meet Report and Pictures 

By Bill Cox

NewBern North Carolina is a charming historic town located at the confluence of the Trent and the Neuse Rivers. It is full of restaurants, cafes and shops along the picturesque waterfront shared with a fabulous convention center and several hotels with great views of the rivers and marinas. We’ve always enjoyed visiting the town at any time but particularly during an AACA National event.

On Saturday August the 13th, we pulled into the parking lot of the convention center to join more than a hundred other judges for the kick off breakfast before the AACA Southeastern Fall Meet. At 7:30, it was already steamy with temperatures into the 80’s and enough humidity to wash your car with. We wondered how we would make it through the day.

The convention Center was the perfect place to hold our breakfast, hand out awards to some very dedicated and deserving judges from across the country, and get all the marching orders for the day’s activities. We had a very good breakfast and were sent off to our choice of CJE sessions (continuing judge’s education) before the judging started at 11:00.

One of the great things about downtown NewBern is the mature landscape all around the city. The show field was basically several streets in the heart of the historic district and a couple of adjacent parking areas. A few were not so lucky, but I was on the main street and the shade provided just enough coverage from the sun to make the time spent judging cars tolerable. We were also fortunate to have enough judges so that no team had an impossible number of cars to get through in a reasonable time. I believe we spent about an hour judging the Model A’s.

You could feel the excitement early as we walked from the convention center through the streets to the show cars. There were already crowds of people in the streets who had come to see the antique cars as the event was highly anticipated by the folks of NewBern and the surrounding county. A Grand National Meet was held here in 2010 and many of the shop owners we talked to remembered that event as having a positive effect on the business activity of the weekend. Today’s Meet certainly held up to everyone’s expectations as there were lots of spectators here to see over 300 cars, trucks and motorcycles. We were treated to some really cool mini cars, some fine classics and a car that runs in water and one that runs on water!

In the middle of the day, Riley Reiner and the Triangle Chapter treated everyone to the take-a-part-t. I saw Riley before the event and asked him if he was going to beat his record of the fastest time putting the T back together. He rolled his eyes and said that he had his senior group with him today, and experience was one thing, but the heat and our age would likely slow them down. Still entertaining though and going a little slower helped everyone see how the parts went together… they drove off into the sun to the applause of an appreciative crowd!

Marshal Van Winkle was the show chairman, just as he was back in 2010. I caught him sitting on the running board of his Model T during the day with a pile of empty water bottles next to the car. He was worn slap out, hot and sweaty and he looked like a drunken sailor… but wait… he always looks like a drunken sailor! He and the folks in the First Capital Chapter did an awesome job making this meet a well-attended and well organized show that was a huge success. They brought pride to the North Carolina Region and certainly to the First Capital Chapter and the town of NewBern. We all have Marshall and all the folks in the Chapter to thank for providing us with such a successful event that brought lots of AACA folks from all around the country to the coast of North Carolina.

If you didn’t make it to NewBern for the show, here are a bunch of pictures I was able to grab after the judging. I hope you enjoy them and I also hope it sparks a little interest in getting out to the next AACA event, whether it’s one of our North Carolina Meets or a National event somewhere close enough for you to visit.

Meanwhile, Happy Motoring…Bill


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2016 Morehead City Chapter Gathering

2016 Morehead City Chapter Gathering 

The Morehead City Chapter enjoyed their first outing on March 19th.  Seventeen members fired up their vehicles for a field trip to Pollocksville for an educational tour of the Daniels Art Glass and Pottery studio.  Rich Daniels, the owner/artist, conducted the tour of his studio and workshops.  We were privileged to learn much about his technics, involving not only pottery, but also his stain glass creations.

After the studio tour, we were joined by three members from the Coastal Carolina Model A Club for lunch at the Trent Restaurant located across the street from the studio. After lunch we parted company with the Coastal Model A group and drove four miles to view the private collection of John and Sue Baldwin.  It is a step back in time, appropriately called “Things From Yesteryear.” Their collection spans over a hundred years of appliances, tools, etc. Sue has an extensive collection of Fostoria glassware. John also showed us his collection of antique vehicles.

We all had a wonderful time.  All vehicles ran perfectly, and the rains held off for our return drive home.


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