Welcome to the NC Region AACA Home Page The NC Region is the coordinating organization for 14 AACA Car Club Chapters In North Carolina |
NC Region Upcoming Activities and Events
Upcoming NC Region Events Scheduled
As 2024 comes to a close, we want to wish everyone a hearty Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year. We’ll see you on January 17th & 18th in Raleigh for the Annual Membership Meeting… come on out!
- The NC Region Annual Membership Meeting will be held on January 17th-18th, 2025, in Raleigh. The Judging School will be held on the 17th, from 1-4PM. Registration form is available here.
- The NC Region Spring Meet will be held on Saturday, May 10th, from 8-3 in New Bern. Registration form is now available here.
NC Region News and Updates
Our Treasurer, Rod Moore, has had to step back from his duties. Mike Morgan will be acting as interim Treasurer. Please direct all membership requests and other related inquiries to treasurer@ncregionaaca.com. Thank you.
Chapter Facebook Pages
Many Chapters are now using Facebook Pages for local updates and activity reports .
To see the list of Facebook Pages See: Facebook pages
NC Region is Welcoming New Members
If you own an antique vehicle or are interested in obtaining one the NC Region can be helpful to you. The NC Region of the AACA is an umbrella organization for 14 AACA Chapters spread across the State of North Carolina. The Region provides an additional level of support for the local AACA chapters and their members. The Region also provides opportunities for local members to participate in statewide events and activities in the antique vehicle hobby. Here is a list of what the NC Region provides its members.
– Contacts who can help you find parts, restoration advice, and services.
– Participate with your vehicle in three different types of AACA vehicles.
* Vehicles restored or maintained in original condition as delivered by the dealer when new.
* Historic Preservation of an Original Vehicles (HPOF).
* Driver Participation Class (DPC) for vehicles appearing original and used for owner driving and enjoyment.
– An NC Region Newsletter published every two months with stories about club activities and member’s vehicles.
– Publication of event flyers to register for our local shows and tours.
– Two North Carolina Region shows, Spring and Fall, where members enter to have their vehicles judged for awards.
– Special annual awards with recognition on permanent trophies displayed at the North Carolina Transportation Museum.
– AACA Judging Schools where you can learn from experts how to judge vehicles and receive Judging Credits.
– Opportunities for meeting and exchanging information with experienced owners and restorers.
– Below are pictures and stories to help you understand what we do.
– To Join Us or see more information (Click Here)
– For questions or further contacts send an Email to Dave at webmaster@ncregionaaca.com.
NC Region Past Activity Reports and Pictures
– To see pictures and stories of prior NC Region Events and Pictures click: Photo and Events Gallery
– To submit your pictures or articles to our Website send them to Dave at webmaster@ncregionaaca.com.