2022 NC Region Officers

2022 NC Region Officers and Committees

This is the list of 2022 NC Region Officers, Committee Chairs, and Committee members.
These volunteers will organize and support the NC Region.
Their addresses are listed in the Newsletter. 

Board of Directors     
PresidentAshby Armistead
910-612-0470trashbya@aim.com2019 – 2020Cape Fear
Vice PresidentLorrie Oaks
910-622-0294loaks@ec.rr.com2019 – 2020Cape Fear
SecretaryDavid Hawks336-924-4737dth4792@aol.com2020 – 2022Old Salem
TreasurerRod Moore336-337-1165rodcrna4u@gmail.com2020 – 2022General Greene
Director -thru 2022John Deuster910-673-1944jrdpac1342@twc.com2020 – 2022Sandhills
Director – thru 2022Riley Reiner919-554-1158rreiner@earthlink.com2020 – 2022Triangle
Director – thru 2022Linda McAdam252-717-6835llmcadam@att.net2020 – 2022Coastal Plains
Director – thru 2021Francis Hall336-431-3701fch_27263@yahoo.com2020 – 2022Furnitureland
Director – thru 2020David Allen252-638-4907ideagrphic@nc.rr.com2019 – 2020Southeastern
Director – thru 2020Anthony Bright919-774-4291brightboy@windstream.net2019 – 2020San Lee
Director – thru 2020Bynum Hancock336-416-9364bhancock1@gmail.com2019 – 2020Old Salem
Director – thru 2020Mike Krauss919-731-7567mkrauss67@outlook.com2019 – 2020Southeastern
Ex-officio:John Allred910-686-4004pwrvette@aol.com2019 – 2020General Greene
All Chapter Presidents (14) are also Board Members    
Judging Committee     
Chief JudgeBob McAdam252-717-6836bmcadam201@gmail.com Coastal Plains
Asst. Chief JudgeJames Matthews
336-906-9144jjmatthews@northstate.net General Greene
Retired JudgeRandy Stone336-275-5590rlstone@bellsouth.net General Greene
Asst. Youth Judge Dan Fuccella919-349-9911dan@ati-engineers.com  Triangle
Property Control Randy Stone336-275-5590rlstone@bellsouth.net General Greene
 Bob McAdam252-717-6836bmcadam201@gmail.com Coastal Plains
Newsletter EditorDavid Allen252-638-4907ideagraphic@nc.rr.com Southeastern
Web MasterDavid Iuliano336-756-7661david.iuliano@gmail.com General Greene
Facebook AdministratorJennifer Lancaster  910-471-2268 stonehengebui223@bellsouth.net

 Cape fear
Activities Committee [Chair]Lorrie Oaks910-622-0294loaks@ec.rr.com Cape Fear
Executive Committee [Chair]John Allred [Pres.]910-686-4004pwrvette@aol.com2019 – 2020General Greene
 Ashby Armistead [VP]910-612-0470trashbya@aim.com2019 – 2020Cape Fear
 David Hawks [Sec.]336-924-4737dth4792@aol.com2020-
Old Salem
 Rod Moore [Treas.}336-337-1165rodcrna4u@gmail.com2020 – 2021General Greene
 Linda McAdam252-717-6835llmcadam@att.net2020 – 2021Coastal Plains
 Anthony Bright919-774-4291brightboy@windstream.net2020 – 2021San Lee
 Charles Wells252-633-9275charbar@embarqmail.com2019 – 2020First Capital
Scholarship Committee [Chair]Anthony Bright919-774-4291brightboy@windstream.net2019 – 2020San Lee
 Denny Oestreich919-846-8163oestreichd@aol.com2019-  2020Triangle
 Francis Hall336-431-3701fch_27263@yahoo.com2019- 2020Furnitureland
Membership CommitteeLorrie Oaks910-343-1330loaks@ec.rr.com2020 – 2022Cape Fear
 Ron Day336-993-5424riday@aol.com2017 – 2021Old Salem
Legislative Committee [Chair]David Hawks336-924-4737dth4792@aol.com2020 – 2021Old Salem
 Riley Reiner919-554-1158rreiner@earthlink.net2017 – 2021Triangle


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NC Region Meet Results – Spring 2022, Mike’s Farm

Terry Walker1940ChevroletSedanHPOF1st HPOF
Rod Moore1993Cadillac AllanteConvertibleHPOFRepeat HPOF
Cheryl Simons1993Chevrolet CapriceSedanHPOFRepeat HPOF
Greg Jackson1996Buick RoadmasterSedanHPOFRepeat HPOF
George Najarian1960Pontiac BonnevilleConvertibleHPOF1st HPOF
Riley Reiner1925Ford Model TFordor11Repeat Red Bird
Larry Rucker1928Ford Model ACoupe21BRepeat Red Bird
Norman Davenport1931Ford Model ATruck22BRepeat Red Bird
Milton Packard1958Chevy Apache 3600Truck 4×422CRepeat Red Bird
Steve Otto1936FordPickup22E1st Red Bird
Anthony Bright1985Holiday RamblerMotorhome22J1st Red Bird
Mike Morgan1950MG TDConvertible25A1st Red Bird
Carl Poulson1946Plymouth 2-Door Deluxe2-door26ARepeat Red Bird
Raymond Randall1955Buick RoadmasterSedan27A1st Red Bird
Dudley Malpass1956Ford Crown VictoriaSedan27B1st Red Bird
Doug Howell1962Chevy ImpalaImpala27ERepeat Red Bird
Steven Hooper1966Chevy Corvair Monza Sport Coupe27G1st Red Bird
Ed Schultz1970Chevy CorvetteCoupe30CRepeat Red Bird
Jeff Oaks1975Chevy CorvetteCoupe30CRepeat Red Bird
Richard Tarter1996Chevy CorvetteConvertible30E1st Red Bird
Randy Rackley1956Ford Thunderbird2-door311st Red Bird
John Jackson1957Ford ThunderbirdConvertible311st Red Bird
Tom Lubniewski1965Ford MustangCoupe34ARepeat Red Bird
Ginger Skipper1966Ford MustangConvertible34A1st Red Bird
Phillip Cole1968Chevy CamaroSport Coupe36BRepeat Red Bird
Leddel Casey1928Ford Model ASport CoupeDPC1st DPC
Max Morton1929Ford Model ASport CoupeDPCRepeat DPC
Daniel Fuccella1950Willys JeepStation WagonDPCRepeat DPC
Eugene Dexter1956ChevySedanDPCRepeat DPC
Dan Midkiff1965Ford MustangCoupeDPCRepeat DPC
Elton Sandridge1966Chevy C10PickupDPC1st DPC
Mike Krauss1967Chevy ImpalaConvertibleDPCRepeat DPC
Scott Gruenke1967Chevy CamaroConvertibleDPC1st DPC
Steve Eason1967Chevy CorvetteCoupeDPCRepeat DPC
Ashby Armistead1968Buick LeSabreConvertibleDPCRepeat DPC
Mitch Pochwat1980Chevy PickupPickupDPC1st DPC
Santiago Rivera1985Mazda RX7CoupeDPC1st DPC
Larry Coble1986Ford F-150PickupDPC1st DPC
Dave Allen1986Toyota MR22-door CoupeDPCRepeat DPC
Ray Cooke AwardPhillip Cole1968 Camaro
Marshall Van Winkle AwardCasey Leddel1928 Model A
Charles Wells AwardMike Krauss1967 Chevrolet

Thank you to Ashby Armistead for the photos.

NC Region Meet Results – Spring 2022, Mike’s Farm Read More »

N.C. Region Annual Conference January 15, 2022

By Bill Cox, Past President

The North Carolina Region of the AACA held its annual conference at the Ramada Inn in Raleigh NC this January. It is our annual meeting to conduct the business of the Region and present awards for the previous year, including vehicle and member awards. A regular board meeting is held as well as a membership meeting to vote on the installment of new officers and other business requirements of the Region.

In addition to the serious side of the club, we are entertained with a few speakers, some memorabilia and a good time catching up with friends we haven’t seen in a while. It is a good time to enjoy seeing what other members are doing over the winter and make plans for the coming year’s activities. Dain King and his wife Jean drove down from Pennsylvania to provide the judging school on Friday that all AACA judges need to take each year in order to judge at a National Meet. We are blessed to have Dain’s time and expertise in the rules and procedures for judging AACA vehicles. He says he just loves to come down to NC, but we also know it takes a special effort to travel here and provide the judging school. I always leave with an enthusiastic feeling about the fun meets and tours I have to look forward to each year.

We enjoyed two really good presentations at the meeting. First, we were treated to a talk from Mike Petersen and Annie Goldman who played 19th century residents of the US during the Civil war era. Mike and Annie were dressed in period clothing and spoke in first person as Henry Estes, who was a Union Soldier who left his home and wife Jane to join the war effort in the early 1860’s. He chronicled his life leaving home and enduring illness and peril as a soldier before coming back home to his family in 1865. He showed a number of slides with actual documents from his service as Henry and Jane were actually Mike’s ancestors. The whole presentation provided a vivid understanding of life at the time of this period in US history. We were all on the edge of our chairs listening to the story of his family and the feelings they had about his involvement in the war.

Our second presenter, Jerry Ledford, also had some fabulous slides about the use of railroads for logging and other purposes in Western NC during the early 20th century. He had maps and pictures of railroad equipment used at the time to operate Champion Paper Company near Asheville for paper goods in the US. Some of the discussion revolved around rail gauges and engines that were used along routes to harvest and transport logs in the mountainous regions of our state. Jerry joined us via internet video and we were able to see him and his slides as he spoke. We were able to ask questions and interact during the talk. It was a really cool format to be able to see his presentation and learn about the railroads. He has written several books on these subjects that are available for purchase and he can be reached at gledford55@yahoo.com. The documents and pictures for both these presentations were exceptional and quite interesting to see.

The afternoon membership meeting provided updates from all our committees as well as award presentations and the installment of new officers. John Allred retires his service as President and will hold the position of Ex-officio President for the coming two years. Ashby Armistead will serve as President and Lorrie Oaks will be our new Vice President. Look for a complete list of our officers, Chapter Presidents and Board Members in the NC Region Newsletter that comes out every other month. Since we did not meet in January of 2021 due the Covid Pandemic, awards for the Circle of Honor and the Dave Hinkle award were given for both 2020 and 2021. The Dave Hinkle award was given to Bill Cox for 2020, and Bob McAdams for 2021. Circle of Honor inductees were Rod Moore from the General Greene Chapter and Bill Thomason, from the SanLee Chapter for 2020 and Denny Oestreich, from the Triangle Chapter and Ginger Wright of Three Rivers Chapter for 2021. As always, many people stepped up during this past year and helped guide us through the constant flux that we experienced due to the covid shut-downs. John and Ashby worked tirelessly to keep whatever events we could hold on track for us to enjoy.

During the meeting, Jack Harris brought us up to date on the news from the National AACA and the new headquarters building. The building is close to being fully paid off and the national board is asking for continued donations in order to fund an endowment to maintain the building for the future. We decided to pass the hat for a donation to the building fund and from cash donated by the audience, we collected around $450 dollars. We had a motion for the region to kick in the difference to bring the Region donation up to the full $500 dollars. Rod Moore secured the money and as our Treasurer, will submit a check for the Region donation.

Fewer people attended the meeting than pre-pandemic times, but it was a good-sized crowd given the continuation of the threat of the Covid 19 virus; and attendees were respectful and careful with masking and distancing observed by most everyone. I hope everyone is safe from illness and continues to be throughout the year. The meeting was a great kick-off for 2022 and it promises more time together as most all our 2022 events are planned to be held. If you have never been to an annual meeting, consider it for next year, you will likely enjoy the time and the friendships that develop… and don’t forget to bring something old, mysterious and vehicle related for the “What is it” contest!

Have a great 2022 and Happy Motoring!


N.C. Region Annual Conference January 15, 2022 Read More »

2021 Special Western Fall Meet Phoenix, Nov 11-12, 2021

2021 Special Western National Meet Nov 12-13, 2021 

By Denny Oestreich

   In August 2021 it was time for some travel adventure when I noticed that AACA had planned a Special National Judged Show in Phoenix, AZ November 12-13, 20211. I have family and friends who live in Phoenix, so I decided to sign up to judge at the show and combine the trip with visiting. I wondered what type cars I would see at a show out West. I signed up to judge Tri-5 (55-57) Chevrolets and maybe some other Chevrolets. I took the Apprentice Judging class in 2019 and Judged interiors for foreign sports car class at Concord this spring. I have also taken may judging classes and several Continuing Judges Education classes. I am gaining judging experience and credits.

    I wondered if there would be anyone else from North Carolina at the Phoenix event.  Leaving from Raleigh I met Mike Peterson in the waiting room at the RDU Airport who was on the same flight.  Mike is an AACA Special Awards Committee Member. Then at the event I recognized Steve Eason’s 1957 Corvette in the hotel parking lot. Steve is from Sanford and attends many of the AACA events and enjoys driving to them, even at great distances. There are updates on Steve’s 5000 mile adventure on the NC Region Website at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/354295168008068/. Other North Carolinians at the Phoenix event were Eric Marsh, National Awards Committee Member who drove his 1993 Ford Ranger from China Grove, NC. I also met David Bowman of the Hornets Nest Region, Chair of the HPOF Committee.  With five members from North Carolina, we had a good representation. I took a picture of Steve Eason’s Corvette and did not realize until later the 1993 Ford Pick-up parked next to Steve belonged to Rick Marsh.  

     The host hotel for the event was the Hilton Garden Inn in Tempe, AZ. They provided rooms for many of the AACA guests, and their parking lot was also the show field. The show vehicles were parked interspersed with the Hotel Guest vehicles. This was a bit confusing.

    Typical of the of AACA judged events the first day (Friday) activities included Registration of Show vehicles, a Judging School taught by Dain King, and a round table discussion. Round table topics included how to get more youth participation, requests for tours to be separated by a week or two and not back to back, and what to do with modified cars that want to participate. 

    Judging activities were on the second day. There was no traditional Judges breakfast because catering was not allowed at the Hotel and Covid restrictions. The first activity on the agenda for the judges meeting was Judging Point recognition.  As a surprise I was awarded a plaque and pin for having 10 judging credits. The five person judging teams were then assigned.  There were no 55-57 Class 33 Chevrolets, so I was assigned to a team judging 9 miscellaneous vehicles. There were only 55 vehicles with a wide variety of classes entered in the show. 

     Next, our judging team scouted the Show field and identified the vehicles our team was to judge. The first vehicle was a 1970 Dodge Challenger going for a Repeat Preservation. Other vehicles we judged were an early production 1954 Corvette, a 1975 Chevrolet Impala Convertible, a 1960 Checker, a 1989 Mercedes, a 1956 Thunderbird, a 1965 Corvette, a 1960 Rolls Royce, and a 1954 Buick Skylark.  What a variety. It took about 2 hours to judge the 9 vehicles we were assigned.  The team worked well together, and the judging was enjoyable. The owners were anxious to help you with anything you questioned or looked at too long.

2021 Special Western Fall Meet Phoenix, Nov 11-12, 2021 Read More »

2021 NC Region Fall Meet Sept 18, 2021

2021 NC Region Fall Meet – Spencer September 18, 2021

As reported by Jack Harris
     The Furnitureland Chapter hosted the NC Region Fall Meet again this year at the Transportation Museum in Spencer, NC.  The weather was good for a car show.  There were 78 cars entered and 71 cars judged. The trophies kept the theme of railroad cars with a Southern Railway Hopper Car featured.  The dash plaque on the trophy featured a 1963 Pontiac Catalina owned by Bill and Cathy Sykes.  During the morning registration and parking the NC Region Board of Directors held their meeting in a room in the back shop.
    The transportation Museum offered bus rides down the street to the working Auto Maintenance Shop which the Museum acquired and restored for working on the vehicles which are part of the museums collection.  The shop is now outfitted with lifts and tools and is displaying some vehicles and providing space for auto maintenance.
    A Highlight of the show was the display of a quilt assembled of squares submitted by the NC Region Chapters in 1992 and raffled off to benefit the NC Region. The winners of the quilt raffle, the McMillans of Roxboro, kept it all these years hoping it could be displayed at the Transportation Museum.  When the McMillans passed away their daughter contacted Jack Harris and asked if the Region would be interested in the quilt.  Jack accepted and arranged for it to be displayed at the Fall Show and will also include it in the NC Region display cases at the Transportation Museum.
    When the quilt was assembled each NC Region Chapter was contacted to prepare a quilt square which was then assembled into the quilt that was raffled. Each Chapter was asked to design a square and place a star representing their location on the map. The chapters also donated $4.25 for material to assemble the quilt. Jack Harris has asked if you can recall any history of preparing the quilt or your chapters square to contact him at:  336-888-8211.


See more pictures Click 2021 Fall Meet Pictures

2021 NC Region Fall Meet Sept 18, 2021 Read More »

2021 AACA Southeastern National Pictures

2021 Southeastern National Show Sept 9-11, 2021

By Brian Wingler

The South Carolina Region AACA hosted the 2021 Southeastern Fall Nationals at the Benson Campus of Greenville Technical College in Taylors, SC September 9-11, 2021. Besides the business meetings, on Friday a tour of the local BMW plant, a judges school, and a catered BBQ dinner was available. The car show took place on Saturday the 11th. That being the 20th anniversary of the 09/11 terrorist attack on the US, the Region honored First Responders as part of the gathering. Approximately 200 vehicles were registered for the show and with the very accommodating weather probably most of them were there. Some of the highlights for me were the 1911 Thomas Flyer and the 1934 Packard V12. There was also the 1941 Chevrolet Fire Truck restored by the members of the local Greer, SC fire department. This truck was part of their fleet from new, sold, and eventually donated back to the department. There was a 1920 Anderson, made in Anderson, SC with the radiator badge which proclaimed: ”Anderson, A Little Higher In Price, But Made in Dixie”.

(Click on a thumb picture to display a larger image)

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2021 AACA Southeastern National Sept 9-11, 2021

2021 Southeastern Nationals September 9-11, 2021

By Brian Wingler 

The South Carolina Region AACA hosted the 2021 Southeastern Fall Nationals at the Benson Campus of Greenville Technical College in Taylors, SC September 9-11, 2021. Besides the business meetings, on Friday a tour of the local BMW plant, a judges school, and a catered BBQ dinner was available. The car show took place on Saturday the 11th. That being the 20th anniversary of the 09/11 terrorist attack on the US, the Region honored First Responders as part of the gathering. Approximately 200 vehicles were registered for the show and with the very accommodating weather probably most of them were there. Some of the highlights for me were the 1911 Thomas Flyer and the 1934 Packard V12. There was also the 1941 Chevrolet Fire Truck restored by the members of the local Greer, SC fire department. This truck was part of their fleet from new, sold, and eventually donated back to the department. There was a 1920 Anderson, made in Anderson, SC with the radiator badge which proclaimed: ”Anderson, A Little Higher In Price, But Made in Dixie”.

See more pictures Click  2021 AACA Southeastern National Pictures

2021 AACA Southeastern National Sept 9-11, 2021 Read More »

2021 AACA Annual Convention Pictures June 4-5, 2021

2021 AACA Annual Convention, Williamsburg, VA June 4-5, 2021  

The AACA Annual convention was held moved from Philadelphia, PA to Williamsburg, VA  this year. The planning committee was able to successfully re-plan this event in a short time.  Below is a sample of pictures from the AACA Annual Convention taken by Joel and Annie Goldman.  To see many more of their pictures (Click Here).


2021 AACA Annual Convention Pictures June 4-5, 2021 Read More »