2017 Annual Meet Report

2017 Annual Membership Meeting – January 20-21, 2017

The NC Region Annual Meeting was held on January 20 and 21, 2017 at the Ramada Inn in Burlington, NC.  
There were 120 Region members and Guests attending.  Below are some interesting notes and pictures
from the meeting.
1. On Friday Members were able to attend seminar on Competition Judged Classes presented by Dain King.  
    Members were also able to attend CJE classes on either Judging Large Block Chrysler engines or Ford V-8 engines.
2. On Saturday morning members had an opportunity to attend the Cars and Coffee discussion, view the What is It
    contest, and attend seminars on Current Automobile Markets and Appraisals by Eric Marsh,  
Classic Wood Products
    for Auto Restoration (reproduction wood for restoring) by
 Howard Comstock or Corvette Models and Features
    by Bill Cox.

On Saturday afternoon the General membership meeting was held. 
A guest appearance by Eleanor Roosevelt (Randy Stone) provided a historic overview of rationing and the
the geographic and economic positioning that led up to World War II. 
The meeting
1. Bill Cox, VP NC Region, reviewed highlights of the Calendar of NC Region and Chapter Events for 2017.
    The NC Region Spring Meet will be in Raleigh and the Fall Meet will be in Spencer. The Spring tour
    destination is undetermined, if you have a idea contact Bill Cox. 

3. Chief Judge Randy Stone indicated that over 124 vehicles were judged and were given awards at the two
    NC Region meets in 2016.  Randy identified his efforts to correctly classify vehicles so the members would
    enjoy the 
best possible judging results and receive an award at NC Reguion events.    
4. President, Jack Harris, updated the membership on the improvements made to the Transportation
    Museum facilities and the success the museum is having with their new and programs for young people
    including the Polar Express, Thomas the Train, and scouting events. 

6. NC Region 2015 special judging awards were presented at the meeting. Pictures are below and the complete
 list of winners is included here: 2017 NC Region Awards
Congratulations to Lorrie Oaks for receiving the 2016 Dave Hinkle Award.
8. Congratulations to Randy Stone and Gurney Yokley for being selected for the 2016 Circle of Honor awards.  
9. AACA Director, Tom Cox provided a detailed update on the discussions between the Club and the AACA Museum. 

             Dave Hinkle Award                          2017 Circle of Honor                              2017 Circle of Honor
                 Lorrie Oaks                                     Gurney Yokely                                         Randy Stone

To the 2017 annual meet Picture Gallery by by Virgina Wright and Bill Cox see: 2017 Annual Meeting Pictures