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Membership Information

Membership in our club does not require the ownership of an antique car or truck, just an interest in the history, preservation, and joys of antique vehicles.
(The Southeastern NC Chapter AACA is classified and registered as a tax-exempt social & recreational club under Internal Revenue (IRS) code section 501(c)(7).

If you have seen our SENC Chapter at an event, visited our Website, or have been referred by a member to join us, we welcome you. We invite anyone who has an interest in antique cars to join us in the SENC Chapter AACA.

The benefits of joining the SENC Chapter include:
– Fellowship with other car enthusiasts, making contacts for car information,
– Participating in car shows.
– Membership events.
– Monthly newsletters.
– Monthly meetings.

The requirements for membership in the SENC Chapter are that all members also belong to the National AACA and the NC Region AACA.

Membership costs and benefits for each club are:

1. National AACA Regular Membership dues are $45.00 per year (includes spouse). (See Application Form for reduced dues rates for partial year).

– A subscription to the bi-monthly magazine “Antique Automobile”.
– Entitled to vote for club officers.
– Hold office.
– Join AACA Regions or Chapters.
– Exhibit vehicles at AACA shows.
– Compete for national prizes and annual awards.
Other types of AACA Memberships:
– Life Membership – A one time fee of $600, (includes spouse).
– Student – $12.00, Young adults ages 16 to 25 with a student ID.
– Foreign Membership – $45.00

2. North Carolina Region dues are $15.00.  (Requires AACA National Membership)

– Region newsletter, “NC Region News”
– Voting privileges at NC Region events.
– Eligible to exhibit vehicles at NC Region events.

3. SENC Chapter dues are $10.00.  (Requires AACA National and NC Region Membership)

– Regular SENC Newsletters
– Voting privileges.
– Hold an SENC Chapter office.
– Participate in Chapter events.