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2015 Annual NC Region Membership Meeting Highlights
Burlington, NC January 16-17, 2015
The 2015 NC Region Annual Meeting was held at the Ramada Inn in Burlington on January 16-17, 2015. There was a good turnout of Region members. On Friday afternoon a Judging Team Captain Team Captain School was led by the Randy Stone and Eric Marsh. Later in the afternoon a Judging Apprentice Program led was led by Eric Marsh. Judging practice using members’ cars was done in the late afternoon session.
On Saturday, January 17, 2015 NC Region Board met in the morning. The business of the NC Region was conducted. Plans for the Region activities were reviewed. The NC Region Spring Meet will be hosted by the Cape Fear Chapter in Wilmington on May 30, 2015 at the North Carolina Battleship Park in Wilmington. The fall meet will be hosted by the Furnitureland Chapter at the NC Transportation Museum in Spencer. Twelve of the 14 Region Chapters will host car shows in 2015. Watch the Region Newsletter and NC Region Website for registration forms.
At 9 AM a seminar on Auto detailing was presented Wake Technical Community College Coordinator Mike Langer and Aubrey Fleming, an Automotive Detailing course graduate and detailer. Wake Tech was the 2014 NC Region School Scholarship winner. Mike and Aubrey outlined the Wake Tech Detailing Course and how the graduates are using their training. Some graduates have gotten jobs with auto dealers and others have started their own detailing businesses. Aubrey described the techniques and products he uses in his detailing business. They also provided a detailing kit of products, provided by Majestic Solutions a manufacturer and supplier of detailing products, which was given away by drawing at the end of the seminar.
At 10 AM two seminars were offered. Randy Stone led a seminar on Judging Etiquette for Region Members Continuing Judges Education. In the other room a seminar on the progress and activities of the NC Transportation Museum was given by Dr. Kevin Cherry, Deputy Secretary, NC Dept. of Cultural Resources. Dr. Cherry discussed the budget challenges and organization it takes to continue operating the NC Transportation Museum. Besides the train displays there have been 40 car and trucks and various auto memorabilia donated to the museum. He outlined the need for volunteers to help maintain the vehicles and to keep them running.
At 11 AM two additional seminars were presented. Eric Marsh provided a seminar on AACA Judging of Tires. Also at 11 AM a second seminar was presented by Chris Parr, a representative PPG on Modern Day Paint, Methods and Materials. The new water base paint technologies were presented.
A great buffet lunch was provided at noon and many stories were traded over the lunch table. After lunch, the rooms were combined and an informal review of the history of the NC Region was presented. NC Region Memorabilia and old Newsletters are provided to help recall some NC Region History. Many more stories were exchanged and enjoyed.
At 2 PM the Annual Membership Meeting was called to order by Outgoing President Randy Stone. NC Region’s 60th Anniversary activities were reviewed and it was agreed they were successful. Newsletter awards were presented. New officers elected for 2015. Jack Harris will be 2015 President and Bill Cox was elected Vice President. Awards were presented including the Dave Hinkle Award which was given to Ruth Ann Ronchetti.
Please look at the Pictures taken at the Seminars and meeting. If you have more pictures to contribute send them to Denny Oestreich at OestreichD@AOL.com
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