NC Region AACA Overview
About us – Join us
This section has several tabs which give an overview of NC Region. You can see the tabs in the Main Menu on the left for information about NC Region membership, contacts, Chapter Presidents, history policies and the scholarship program. Below is a brief description of the NC Region activities.
Who are we?
The NC Region is a regional organization of the Antique Car Club of America (AACA) for the purpose of coordinating the activities of the 14 Chapters of the AACA located in central and eastern North Carolina. Members of all 14 Chapters are also members of the NC Region. Additionally, some members of AACA National that do not belong to a Chapter also belong to the NC Region. The NC Region membership is about 1200 members.
The NC Region coordinates the Chapter car shows and tour events to prevent duplication of scheduling. Additionally, the NC Region sponsors, through selected Chapters , two additional car show opportunities for NC Region members to have their vehicles judged and receive NC Region recognition for their car, truck, and motorcycle vehicles recognized by the National AACA. The NC Region has a similar badge recognition system as the national AACA with opportunities for NC Region members to judge vehicles. A special Red Bird award badge is award to first place vehicles at Region Car shows. The NC Region officers and members make a special effort to support the Chapter activities by attending Chapter events and car shows.
The NC Region also provides an annual winter membership meeting which includes technical, sessions, judging schools, information tech sessions and an opportunity for fellowship with other NC Region members. We welcome new members who have an intrest in antique vehicles.
To see a Tri-Fold Document about the NC Region, Click HERE
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