2019 NC Region Spring Meet Ginger Wright’s Pictures
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2020 Sports Car Display Pictures by Denny Oestreich
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2019 General Green Chapter Meet August 10, 2019
The General Greene Chapter held its 44th annual car show on Saturday, August 10,2019 at the Piedmont Triad Farmer’s Market in Greensboro, NC. Planning for the show was done by Rod Moore and James Matthews, Co-Chairs for this year’s show. The day dawned with beautiful clear blue skies and a slight morning breeze which was welcome especially for August. Show vehicles started arriving around 8:00 am. Registration was handled by Patti Craft, Linda Moore and Sara Shoffner. 119 vehicles registered and participated in the show. The show was opened to all AACA classes as well as Street Rods and Modifieds 25 years old or older.
The Featured Car this year was a 1968 Lincoln Continental sedan owned by Linda and Rod Moore. The car was awarded a Senior Grand National award at the Grand National at Auburn, Indiana in June.
Awards were handed out by General Greene Chapter Vice President, Don Henza around 2:00 pm. Everyone had a big smile on their face as they received their award. A big Thank You goes out to all the General Greene members for all their hard work for helping make the show a big success. It was a team effort.
The General Greene Chapter hopes to see everyone next year for their 45th annual car show. Congratulations to all the General Greene members for a terrific show.
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2019 NC Region Spring Meet June 15, 2019
The General Greene Chapter hosted the NC Region AACA Spring Meet at Petty’s Garage in Randleman, NC. This was a very successful event with 92 cars registered. The Petty Garage venue was a terrific location for the show. The museum and restoration garage made it extra special for the participants and visitors. The parking lot was filled with visitors looking at the AACA show cars as well as the museum. The show field on the grass worked out well. The show cars were easily located for the judges to review the cars. The award ceremonies were went smoothly. The participants were especially appreciative of the trophies which were individually autographed by Richard Petty.
Congratulations to all the General Greene members for a terrific show.
To see many more great pictures of the show go to:
For Ginger Wright’s pictures go to: 2019 NC Region Spring Meet Ginger Wright’s Pictures
For Denny Oestreich’s pictures go to: 2019 NC Region Spring Meet Denny’s Pictures
2019 NC Region Spring Meet Read More »
2019 NC Region Scholarship Award
The NC Region AACA awarded a $1000 Institutional Scholarship to Wake Tech Community College Automotive Program. This scholarship will used to fund the purchase of equipment for their automotive training facility that is not included in the College’s current budget. The award was presented to Wake Tech by Jim Gill Triangle Chapter President and Denny Oestreich on September 30, 2019. Accepting the award on behalf of Wake Tech were Lara Eddington, Dean, Applied Engineering & Technologies Division and Gerry Egan Associate Professor/Program Director Automotive Systems Technology.
Wake Tech is North Carolina’s largest community college, serving over 74,000 adults annually, with six campuses, three training centers, multiple community sites, and a comprehensive array of online learning options. Wake Tech is accredited and offers more than 240 associates degrees, diplomas, and certificates that prepare students for university transfer or immediate employment.
Lora Eddington, Gerry W, Egan, Jim Gill, and Denny Oestreich
The NC Region annually considers awards for two types of scholarships when there are applications. An Individual Scholarship Award is given to a student in an automotive program to purchase the recipient’s required tools, supplies and uniforms. An Institutional Scholarship is for the purchase of automotive tools and equipment for an automotive learning institution. The Individual scholarship was awarded once in 2014. The Institutional scholarship was awarded to Wake Tech in 2014, Pitt Community College in 2016 and again to Wake Tech in 2019.
To learn more about the NC Region Scholarship Program for someone in your area or an Automotive Training School near you, see the Website at: https://ncregionaaca.com/region/index.php/scholarship-program-ii.
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Three Rivers Car Show May 25, 2019
By Helen Dipietro
Music, I hear music… Time to get up for work… no wait it’s a Saturday, “why is the alarm going off?”. Ahhhhh yes, it is the day of the Three Rivers Chapter car show in Eden, NC. Summer has arrived and so have the weekend car shows. We drag ourselves out of bed and get ready for another day of adventure.
We encounter a bit of traffic on I-40, it is Memorial Day weekend after all, surprising us as we are headed away from the beach. Eden is located north of Greensboro. The Car show was in the parking lot of the Tractor Supply Store. Upon arrival we are ushered into a spot # 46. More cars arrive after us. Overall about 70 cars were in the show. Our Avanti draws a lot of interest. Many, thinking it is a foreign car, are surprised to learn it originated as a Studebaker.
The day went on, it becomes hotter and hotter and the Tractor Supply Store began to enjoy a booming business. The judging was based on AACA Judging Al concrete-no shade. Our 1990 Avanti did receive a 1st place plaque in its class
2019 Three Rivers Car Show May 25, 2019 Read More »
2019 San-Lee Chapter Meet June 1, 2019
By Denny Oestreich
The San-Lee Chapter car show was held June 1, 2019 in downtown Sanford. Their venue was the same as last year on Charlotte Ave. They had a terrific turnout of 82 vehicles of both original and open class. The show had many different vehicles from last year and there were more HPOF and DPC vehicles. There was a wide range of very old and new vehicles on display. San-Lee Chapter had many door prizes and awards for all the participants.
There was no doubt summer comes Early in Sanford, NC, but there was shade to be found for the entrants. A trip to Yarborough’s Ice Cream shop was also in order.
Thanks to the San-Lee Chapter, Bennie Pokemire, President and Anthony and Teresa Bright Co-Chairs and all the chapter workers for a well-organized and enjoyable show.
2019 San Lee Chapter Show June 1, 2019 Read More »
Triangle Chapter Show Report May 4, 2019
By Denny Oestreich
The Triangle Chapter’s 58th Annual Car show was held at a new venue, the Capital Crossings Shopping Center in Raleigh. Riley Reiner was Car Show Chairman. There were 52 vehicles entered in the show with an even amount of original and modified vehicles. Twenty Triangle members brought their cars along with 5 NC Region members and 27 local entries. This was considered a low number of entries. We believe the lower turnout was due to reduced advertising, a new venue, and nine other local car show events within the Raleigh Area.
The weather was great for a car show. The car show parking, judging and hosting duties kept our members busy. Activities for the participants included looking at cars, a hospitality tent, a Take A-Part-T demonstration, Kids Judging, and shopping. We had six judging teams who completed their work efficiently. The kids judging led by Dan Fuccella had as many adults participating and watching as kids learning to judge.
Jim Gill had created Custom Trophy Plaques with a Barn Find theme. Each entrant received an award, either a First place or Acorn award. The award for the Best Original vehicle and Best of Show was presented to Sean Wright, 1936 Rolls Royce. The Best Modified award went Bing Long’s 1957 Ford Convertible and the Kids Choice award went to Joe Parsons’ 1958 Studebaker.
Thanks to all our members who contributed to make our shoe successful. We extend our appreciation to the NC Region members who participated in our show.
To see many more pictures just click on one of the Links below.
To see Jean Soehnlien’s pictures, Click Here
To see Brad Whitakers Pictures Click Here
2019 Triangle Chapter Show Read More »
You Meet the Nicest People in Charlotte
(Southeastern National AACA Meet)
By Bill Cox
We are so blessed to have such a grand AACA event in our back yard… well, maybe it’s not exactly around the corner, but easy enough to get to for a weekend. I went down Friday morning in the rain… not the best time to go, but I was able to get down there, have some lunch and greet some friends in the AACA tent by the showfield. After lunch, the mist was tolerable and I actually got to spend a few hours in the flea market and had a good time.
The displays inside the buildings always have something interesting and this year there were El Caminos and land speed racers (LSRs). These are the rocket shaped race cars built to set speed records on the Bonneville salt flats. I enjoyed both of these displays, but the prize possession here was a 1970 Monte Carlo that was treated to an incredible restoration to a concours level. It was certainly the best I have ever seen.
Saturday promised to be a better day with dry weather and temps in the 70s. It did not disappoint as I arrived at the judges breakfast around 7:00 to meet friends from around the country who had come to join the fun on the show field. There were 250 judges present to review 301 cars. It was overcast in the morning, but that gave way to clear sunny skies and 70 degrees in the afternoon. There were lots of folks from the NC Region, Alamance Region, Mountain Regions and of course all those Hornets Nest folks with those yellow hats… they certainly looked like a swarm of bees all over the place.
As cars started pulling in to the field, my eye was drawn to the 1917 Locomobile as it pulled in to be greeted by Mel Carson, our new AACA President. I wasn’t alone as many people turned to see it drive in and enjoy something you don’t see very often. Equally engaging was Jim and Becky Aldrich’s 1923 Stutz Touring Car. A beautiful little touring car that you can just imagine traveling the back roads of America in the roaring 20s! These and many other fine automobiles are what brings me to Charlotte every year. As a judge, I get to see some extremely nice cars, either restored to very high levels, or preserved with care to maintain originality. We are very fortunate to be able to see these examples of automotive history so close to home. If you haven’t been to an AACA National recently or at all, I highly suggest you put it on your list of things to do. You’re sure to have a great time, and… you meet the nicest people!
Happy motoring,
To see more pictures Taken by Bill Cox and Denny Oestreich Click on:
2019 AACA Southeastern National Meet Pics
2019 AACA Southeastern National Meet Read More »
NC Transportation Museum Display update “Help Wanted”
By Tom Wright
For the 2020 NC Transportation Museum exhibit, the NC Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) is looking for sport cars, foreign and domestic, to exhibit at the North Carolina Transportation Museum (Spencer) from 18 November 2019 to 24 February 2020. An earlier E Mail asked for mini cars, which we now know there are too few to make an exhibit, thus the change.
For your car to be considered for this upcoming exhibit, it must be twenty-five years or older and be more a sports car than a muscle car. We currently have five cars to exhibit, a 1993 Cadillac Allante Sports Roaster, and a 1950 MGTD, a 1956 T Bird (awaiting application), a 1991 Toyota MR2, and a 1978 MG (awaiting application). We need ten more cars, but would like fifteen. If you want to participate in the exhibit contact me ( tjwgiw@gmail.com) before 30 August 2019.
Final Comments:
* Don’t let your car winter over in your garage, put it on exhibit for all to see and enjoy.
* Last year’s Muscle Car exhibit was very successful. It provided the NCTM an additional exhibit, promoted AACA, and above all, was enjoyed by the public.
* Any questions regarding insurance coverage, available trailer parking, vehicle drop-off/pick-up date, vehicle placard information, and participant recognition, will be answered by me once I receive your request to participate.
For an Application Form to display and store your car for free (Click Here)
Tom Wright
See pictures front the 2019 Display at: 2019 NC Transportation Museum Display Pictures
2020 NC Transportation Museum Sports Car Display Read More »