2020 NC Region Annual Meet January 20, 2020

2020 NC Region Annual Meet January 17-18, 2020 

The NC Region Annual Meet was held on January 17-18, 2020. The meeting was held at the Ramada Inn in Raleigh, NC.
There were about 90 members attending the two day event. The first day was was dedicated to AACA Judges Training.
Dain King presented an AACA National Training School required for every AACA Judge each year. This training class is
also used by members showing their cars to understand how judging is done. Two additional Continuing Judges Education
(CJE) course were presented;  Mike Petersen presented a CJE on Documentation and Dain King presented a presentation
on Exterior Judging. 

Several activities were scheduled for Saturday. In the morning the NC Region Board Meeting was held and many plans
and actions taken.  At 10 AM a presentation was made by our speaker, Daniel Wagner on Defensive Driving for teenage
and older drivers. The presentation was on attentive driving techniques to avoid accidents that he teaches. Lunch was
provided as part of registration. 

After lunch the Chapters announce plans for their upcoming shows and the winners of the “What is it contest were 
announced. The NC Annual Meeting was called to order. The winner of the annual awards were announced. The 
Editors awards were announced    



More Pictures
See Ginger Wright’s pictures of the event at: 2020 NC Region Annual Meet Pictures