2022 NC Region Chapter Activities and Contacts

NC Region Chapter Activities

This page lists the NC Region’s 14 local Chapters in alphabetical order and provides chapter officers and contacts.

During the Covid Restriction most Chapters were not holding meetings or car shows, but many have changed venues and dates. 

For the latest information about Chapter activities contact a chapter officer.

Cape Fear Chapter – Wilmington, NC

Cape Fear Chapter – Officers

Chapter Officer Address


Jeff Oaks: President 326 Covil Ave.
Wilmington, NC 28403


Randy Rackley: VP 3535 Lakewood PL
Wilmington, NC 28409


Milton Packard: Secretary 518 Hughes Rd
Hamstead, NC  38443


Matt Hinson: Treasurer 718 Woodlawn Ave
Wilmington, NC 28401




Coastal Plains Chapter – Greenville, NC

Coastal Plains Chapter – Officers

Chapter Officer Address Telephone E-mail
Bob McAdam: President 1512 Saddle Way Greenville NC, 252-717- 6836 bmcadam201@gmail.com
Dallas Toler: VP 205 Toler Ave.
Blounts Creek,  NC, 27814
252- 322-5519 DToler@embarqmail.com
Linda McAdam: Secretary/Treasurer 1512 Saddle Way Greenville NC, 252-717- 6836 llmcadam201@att.net


First Capital Chapter – New Bern, NC        

First Capital Chapter – Officers 

Chapter Officer Address Telephone E-mail
Zachary Simons: President 1581 Davis Field Rd.
Pollocksville, NC 28573
252-626-0286 ZACSIM@aol.com
Don Temple: VP 1163 Teachs Point Rd.
Bath, NC 27808
Ken Rowe: Secretary
226 Ticino Ct
New Bern NC, 28562
252- 288-5888 kenerowe@yahoo.com
Michael Wilson: Treasurer 3097 Sienna Trail
New Bern, NC  28562
252-631-3145 mikewilson1940@msn.com


Furnitureland Chapter – High Point, NC

Furnitureland Chapter – Officers

Chapter Officer Address Telephone E-mail
Jack Harris: President P.O. Box 5192
High Point, NC  27262
336-888-8211 kjmhcpa@northstate.net
James Matthews: VP 197 Brook Forest Dr. Winston-Salem, NC 27107 336-906-914 jjmatthews@northstate.net
Frances Hall: Secretary PO Box 4274
Archdale, NC  27263
336-431-3701 fch_27263@yahoo.com
Cathy Sykes: Treasurer
Sally Wagoner: Reporter 3028 Colony Dr. Jamestown, NC 27282 336-803-1745 rsw1979@northstate.net


General Greene Chapter – Greensboro, NC

General Greene Chapter – Officers

Chapter Officer Address Telephone E-mail
Rod Moore: President 4110 Stonebrook Farms Rd.
Greensboro NC  27406
336-337-1165 rodcrna4u@gmail.com
Don Henza: VP 904 Forest Hill Dr.
Greensboro, NC 27410
336-601-6016 dhenza@mindspring.com
Chip King: VP 2278 Sunbury Dr. Graham, NC, 27253 336-380-5126 sunliner@triad.rr.com
Linda Moore: Secretary 4110 Stonebrook Farms Rd.
Greensboro NC  27406
336-254-5901 mooreyaya@gmail.com
Terry Slatter: Treasurer 5714 Hidden Orchard Dr.
Greensboro, NC  27406
336-312-4401 terry@slatterinc.com
Jessica Quiattruci: Newsletter 310 Pendleton Dr.
Greensboro, NC  27409



Morehead City Chapter – Morehead City, NC

Morehead City Chapter – Officers

Chapter Officer Address Telephone E-mail
Patrick Tyson: President 105 Tree Fern Dr.
Morehead City, NC  28557
919-413-2138 tyson.pat@gmail.com
Julie Hughes: VP 600 Lake Rd.
Newport, NC  28570
252- 777-1106 jules4524@yahoo.com
Charlotte Tyson: Secretary 105 Tree Fern Dr.
Morehead City, NC  28557
919-771-9974 tyson.charlotte@gmail.com
Carl Tilghman: Treasurer 269 Copeland Rd.
Beaufort, NC  28516
252-728-2923 carltil@earthlink.net


New River Chapter – Jacksonville, NC

New River Chapter Meetings and Activities
     – The next Chapter meeting information can be obtained by contacting and officer below. 

     – Information and recent pictures of New River Chapter can be found on their Facebook Page at: 

New River Chapter – Officers

Chapter Officer Address Telephone     E-mail
Vacant: President
Terry Walker: VP 1202 Decatur Rd
Jacksonville, NC 2854
910-467-3233 gunner.terry.walker@gmail.com
Ginger Wright: Secretary 103 Sand Hill Rd.0
Sneads Ferry, NC  28460
910-325-0099 tiwgiw@gmail.com
Michael Morgan: Treasurer P.O. Box 980
Swansboro, NC  28584
910-650-2513 mmo28584@gmail.com


North Central Chapter – Roxboro, NC

North Central Chapter – Officers

Chapter Officer Address Telephone Email
Forrest Cozart: President 191 Graham Day Rd.
Roxboro, NC  27574
336-599-8984  N/A
Donald Oakley: VP 2319 Allensville, Rd.
Roxboro,  NC  27574
336-599-4044 amoakley01@yahoo.com
Andrea Oakley: Secretary 2319 Allensville, Rd.
Roxboro,  NC  27574
336-599-4044 amoakley01@yahoo.com
Wayne Clayton: Treasurer 1264 Concord Ceffo Rd.
Roxboro, NC 27574
336-599-5381  N/A


Old Salem Chapter – Winston-Salem, NC

Old Salem Chapter Meetings and Activities
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Old.Salem.AACA

Old Salem Chapter Meet – Officers

Chapter Officer Address Telephone Email
Tim Isley: President 159 Linwood Rd.
Stokesdale, NC  27357
 336-280-8845 retiredharley74@gmail.com
Vacant: VP
Donna McDonald:
5345 Stigall Rd.
Kernersville, NC  27284
336-993-8307 jm43petty@aol.com
David Lineback: Treasurer 210 Palace Dr.
Winston Salem, NC  27107


John Ronchetti: Cruise-in
Ruth Ann Ronchetti:
1025 Pine Knolls Rd.
Kernersville, NC  27284
336-996-5125 j_ronchetti@usa.net


 Vacant: Newsletter

San-Lee Chapter – Sanford, NC      
San-Lee Chapter – Officers

Chapter Officer Address Telephone Email
Bennie Pokemire: President 46 Night Heron Ct.
Sanford, NC  27332
919-499-0276 ravenworks1@windstream.net
Todd Daubenspeck: VP 165 Kramer Rd.
Lillington, NC  27546
 910-893-9880 ?????@????.???
Emily Pokemire: Secretary 46 Night Heron Ct.
Sanford, NC  27332
919-499-0276 ravenworks1@windstream.net
John & Ruth May: Treasurer 514 Sellars Rd.
Cameron, NC  28326
919-499-2769 ruthmay@windstream.net


Sandhills Chapter – Pinehurst, NC 

Sandhills Chapter – Officers


Chapter Officer

Address Telephone   Email
Ed Hostetter: President 5377 Seven Lakes West

West End NC, 27376

910-400-5685 H   ehostetter136@comcast.net
David Cushman: Secretary Treasurer PO Box 211
Southern Pines, NC 28374
434-841-8297  David.Cushman@outlook.com
John Deuster: Newsletter 6081 Seven Lakes West
West End, NC 27376
910-673-1944 H
910-603-9455 C

Southeastern North Carolina Chapter – Mt. Olive, NC

Southeastern North Carolina Chapter – Officers

Chapter Officer Address Telephone Email
Doug Howell: President 433 Whitley Church Rd.
Princeton, NC  27569
919-734-8977 dhasinc3@gmail.com
Harry Sutton: VP 203 Deen St.
Mt. Olive, NC  28365
919-658-2693 suttontv@esn.net
Cheryl Howell: Secretary 433 Whitley Church Rd.
Princeton, NC  27569
919-734-8977 dhasinc3@gmail.com
Mike Krauss: Treasurer 1674 Rosewood Rd.
Goldsboro, NC  27530
919-731-7567  mkrauss@nc.rr.com


Three Rivers Chapter – Rockingham County, NC

Three Rivers Chapter Meetings and Activities
    – For more information see the Three Rivers Website:

Three Rivers Chapter  – Officers

Chapter Officer  Address Telephone Email
Paul Gover: President 1071 Grogan St.
Stoneville, NC  27048
336-573-3551 goverpapa@live.com
David Reynolds: VP 243 Homestead Dr.
Eden, NC  27048
Ann Gover: Secretary 1071 Grogan St.
Stoneville, NC  27048
336-573-3551 govera@live.com
Ed Jobe: Treasurer 214HomesteadDr.
Stoneville, NC  27048
336-932-7331 xxxxx@xxx.xxx
Tony Edwards:
230 Acorn Rd.
Stoneville, NC  27048
336-830-1289 xxxx@xxx.xxx


Triangle Chapter – Raleigh, NC

Triangle Chapter – Officers

Chapter Officer Address Telephone Email
Mike Hess: President 334 Ellis Creek Dr.
Pittsboro, NC  27312
916-201-3973 mlhess68@yahoo.com
Dan Fuccella: VP 153 High Country Drive
Cary, NC  27513
919-349-9911 dan@ati-engineers.com
Ken Powell: Sec./Trea. 4513 Wood Valley Dr Raleigh, NC 27613  919-638-o756 kgp8888@gmail.com
Randy Robertson:
Newsletter Editor
2724 Town Edge Court  Raleigh, NC 27612 919-422-9487 rnewr2017@gmail.com