2016 Annual Membership Meeting
The NC Region Annual Meeting was held on January 15 and 16, 2016 at the Ramada Inn in Burlington, NC.
There were 120 Region members and Guests attending. Below are some discussion points and pictures
from the meeting.
1. Bill Cox, VP NC Region, reviewed highlights of the Calendar of NC Region and Chapter Events for 2016. Various Chapter
representatives invited members to their car shows. Be sure to support these events.
2.Lorrie Oaks, Treasurer, reported the NC Region is growing and now has over 611 members.
3. Chief Judge Randy Stone indicated that over 180 vehicles were judged and were given awards at the two
NC Region meets in 2015. The NC Region has seen the success of including HPOF and DPC classes
and will continue to support these classes with prominent displays.
4. President, Jack Harris, updated the membership on a number of improvements being made to the Transportation
Museum facilities and the success the museum is having with their new programs.
5. NC Region News Editor David Allen and Webmasters Matt Hinson and Denny Oestreich reminded members
that articles and pictures are needed for the NC Region Newsletter and Websites.
6. Bob McAdam, Chair of the Scholarship Committee, reminded members that scholarship submissions for an
individual scholarship and and institutional scholarship are due March 31. If members have children or grandchildren
who are studying an engineering curriculum you should review the Scholarship guidelines.
See: NC Region Scholarship Program
7. NC Region 2015 special judging awards were presented at the meeting. Pictures are below and the complete
list of winners is included here: 2015 NC Region Awards
8. Congratulations to Ralph N Proscia for receiving the 2015 Dave Hinkle Award.
9. Congratulations to Harry Oakley and Roger Lyons for being the NC Region Circle of Honor inductees for 2015.
Pictured above are the members attending a special presentation of “Early Roads and Paths”.
To See more annual meeting pictures including the award winners click 2016 NC Region Annual Meet Photos