2020 NC Region Awards

The NC Region has established recognition awards given annually to NC Region members for personal contributions to the region and for vehicle excellence. The awards are named for past key NC Region members. Large permanent trophies with the winner’s names are kept at the NC Transportation Museum located in Spencer, NC.  Award recognition is presented for all awards at the NC Region Annual meeting in January of the following year.

Note: In 2020 the Covid-19 Virus restrictions prevented having the NC Region Spring Meet. Therefore some awards were not given.

Vehicle Excellence Awards
There are awards presented to vehicle owners judged at the Spring and Fall meets. The Award winners were all recognized at the Annual Membership meeting he following year. Click on the Award titles below to see descriptions and criteria for the awards as well as a picture of the permanent trophy.

2020 Spring Meet Vehicle Awards
Herb Payne Memorial Award (Best restoration pre 1925)            Not awarded in 2020
Ray Crooke Award (Best Vehicle 1958 or later)                           Paul Haddock 1969 Buick Coupe

2020 Fall Meet Awards

Les Joyner Memorial Award (1964 1/2 and up)                            Not Awarded in 2020
Alvin B. Storey Award (Finest Classic Automobile)                       Not Awarded in 2020
Fred Ross Award (Best Restoration 1926-1957)                           Henry Burgwyn 1957 Chevrolet Convertible  
Lester Brown Award (Trucks 1 Ton or Larger)                               Not Awarded in 2020
Herb Oakes Award (Outstanding HPOF Vehicle)                          Bob MacAdam  1969 Buick Coupe

2020 Chapter Recognition for Hosting an NC Region Meet

Spring Meet Host Chapter
: Spring Meet not held

Fall Meet Host Chapter: Furnitureland Chapter, Jack Harris, Show Chairman

Personal Contribution Awards
Awards for personal recognition are announced at the next annual meeting in January of each year.

2020 Dave Hinkle Memorial Award 

2020 Circle of Honor Award                        TBA                                                    

2020 Newsletter Awards
Chapter Reporter Awards (Reports in all six newsletters in 2019)     TBA