Welcome to First Capital AACA

The First Capital Chapter of AACA is a local car club chapter located within Craven County and the surrounding counties of Jones, Lenoir and Pamlico. Having members from Bridgeton, Havelock, New Bern, Pollocksville and Trenton NC. We are a group of automotive enthusiasts who enjoy the preservation and enjoyment of automotive history of all types.  Our bond is vintage cars, trucks, buses, and motorcycles.  We are chartered under the AACA (see aaca.org) And in the beginning – it was all started with a small group of people getting together to share their love affair with early automobiles when we got Chartered on February 7, 1991.  It’s been our focus for over thirty-three years now.  Although the size of the organization dictates, we pay closer attention to the business of our hobby; it still remains a hobby and the focus remains fun.  As we look to the future, we also look to the past and honor those who laid the foundation for our success.   And we look to the future and eagerly await the next chapters in the life of AACA. As a chapter we also belong to the NC Region of AACA (see ncregionaaca.com/region/) which is made-up of fourteen local chapters around the state.

We conduct a monthly dinner and business meetings on the fourth Tuesday monthly at the Paula’s Italian Restaurant, New Bern (3946 Doctor MLK Blvd).

  • The business meeting starts at 7 pm. 
  • If you plan to eat with us, please come early enough to be finished by the beginning of the business meeting. 
  • Owning an antique car is not a requirement to join the AACA only a passion for the automotive hobby. 
  • Visitors are always welcome. 

Chapter News

Chapter Scholarship

As one of many community services, The First Capital Chapter semiannually awards a Memorial Scholarship at Craven Community College. Presented for one of the Chapter founding members the “Marshall Van Winkle Automotive Systems Technology Scholarship. These $500 scholarships are presented twice a year to a Craven Community College student enrolled in its automotive technology program. The program is under the direction of Ricky Meadows who has worked with First Capital for the past several years in helping to select a qualified candidate.

Events 2025

(Use link below to see other local chapter, NC Region and AACA National Events) 


Planning is going on for the First Capital Chapter Show in Downtown New Bern on May 10th, 2025. It is a given that no local car show can be a success without good weather for our show day. Registration Form

AACA National Calendar

Welcome to First Capital AACA
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